Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Another journey in past life regression 前世回溯




在沒學前世回朔時,我對這個題目有恐懼,或是誤解;經過反複的練習,老師的指引,我明白前世回朔只是一個名字,一個技巧,過程是在催眠師的領引下,做一次潛意識的探索,催眠師只有一個劇本的框架,靠coachee (主角)自己去發現,腦海展示出一幅幅的畫面,由心而發,發現什麽,就演什麽,自己也不知下一個年齡會怎樣演繹, ENDING是怎樣!所有出現的影像,都是潛意識的演繹,尤其是對當下面對的事情,例如昨天發生的爭端,沒有解決的問題,思考中的項目,或人生大事,重要選擇,埋藏于內心的渴望,或擔憂、恐惧,通過影像和電影般的方式表達出來,可以想象是一個隱語,提醒,帶來反思。所以,每次來到某一個人生階段,都可能有不同的事情發生,故事。5歲的自己可能每次都不同,但內在的性格都是一樣的。死亡的經曆也可能不同,就像夢一樣,夢境隨心而變更。



意外死亡,暗示著做事要小心,“小心” BE CAREFUL, 要量力而为。 同时提醒我:


It was an insightful journey – past life regression 前世回溯 given us by Sir Rex Chung, last night at DP. It sent me to hundred years ago, or even old age, experiencing my 5 years old age in my past life vividly and death period. It was like dream but a trance (hypnotized state).

What I learnt from the experience and my 'dream' insights are:
i. I am curious, adventurous by nature, like my parents. I went to a wood alone, experiencing solo exploration without fear. That was just what I was doing during the period of my 5 years old and even younger. But this beautiful charterer has been fading by age. The "dream' is recalling my inner ability to do what I want without thinking too much. Just DO IT.

ii. Every time in the past life regression前世回溯, the death way could be different. It is a reflection of my subconscious mind on the current state. This time, it was an accident, falling into a valley during hiking in a mountain. A tragedy. What I immediately reflected from the ‘Dream’ was very related to my present case. In which, I found I must improve my emotion control, keeping a peaceful, gratitude mindset any time, esp. in difficulty.

Remember: improving emotion quality first before problem solving.

I am feeling grateful for Rex wonderful workshop, a profound soul searching journey in the Hypnosis Night!


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